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Patriotic Commission Minutes 09-19-2011
REGULAR MEETING: September 19, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kent Carlson, Leonard Glasser, Peter Anthony, Roger Anderson, Jim Throwe, Bob Hornish, Billy Carroll, Gene Botteron, Herb Asplund.

The June 20, 2011 minutes were approved.
Start: $13,500.
Spent: $0
Balance $13,500.
Outstanding and anticipated bills: $100

E-mail from Ct Valley Monument for Doris Avery plate on marker
Letter from town council stating Bob Moeller resigned.
The Avery family sent a thank you for the spray at her funeral.
Contract for 2012 fireworks received.


Essay Contest:

It was decided to keep the 3 age groups. K-2 will do a poster, 3-5 and 6-12 will do essays. Roger looking for suggestions. Roger is contacting the respective school PTOs to publicize the event. His contact is still Dave Archambault. Topics will be decided by November. Same awards: Barnes and Noble Gift cards. Same time frame for entries: December-January 2012. Details will be sorted out at the next meeting.

Evening In The Park:  May 19, 2012
Kent mentioned the publicity was excellent and will be just as good in 2012. He will get the contract to the town manager to sign and send in the deposit.

Memorial Day Parade: May 28, 2012
No report.

Flag Day Ceremony:  June 10, 2012
No report.

Veteran’s Day Parade:  November 6, 2011
Waiting on application response from parade committee.
Kent will send invites to Veteran’s groups, etc. he will also submit publicity to the papers.

Veteran’s Day Ceremony:  November 11, 2011
Peter Anthony read a newspaper article about schools not closing on Veteran’s Day. Some discussion about the pros and cons of the issue ended with the fact that at this time, the schools are open and we should do whatever we can to educate the students about veterans.
Jim Throwe volunteered to get a speaker. Len Glasser said Col Adams would do again. Kent will organize publicity and events and send out updates.

Veterans in the Schools: November 11, 2011.
Billy Carroll agreed to recruit and organize the speakers. Kent will put out appeal for Veterans to speak.

Wreaths Across America: December 11, 2011.
This is sponsored by the American Legion but the Patriotic Commission will support it by attending and helping to publicize.


Publicity: Kent announced he is trying to get publicity into the South Windsor Recreation Department semi-annual flyer which reaches all homes in town.
Herb is still working on the town hall Veterans wall.
The town website is still not accurate.

Herb brought us the volunteers list from the town and it had several errors. John Stonaha was still listed on the committee, not Billy Carroll. Herb will work to correct this.
Gene Botteron was introduced as a new member to the committee.
When the October town Council approves it, we will go to 10 regular and 2 alternate members.
The 2012 meeting calendar was settled and will be posted on our to site.
Herb asked for the attendance reports for the past three years.
Peter Anthony reported that he feels Terry Kyc will not be attending meetings. She does not go out at night.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Kent Carlson